Synopsis : Running Man (Korean: 런닝맨) is a South Korean variety show; forming part of SBS’s Good Sunday lineup. It first aired on July 11, 2010, and as of 2016, it is one of the currently longest-running programs in South Korean history, at six years, surpassing the channel’s previous variety show, X-Man (at three and a half years), and behind MBC’s Infinite Challenge (10 years), and KBS2’s 1 Night 2 Days (9 years).part of SBS’s Good Sunday lineup. It first aired on July 11, 2010, and as of 2016, it is one of the currently longest-running programs in South Korean history, at six years, surpassing the channel’s previous variety show, X-Man (at three and a half years), and behind MBC’s Infinite Challenge (10 years), and KBS2’s 1 Night 2 Days (9 years)X-Man (at three and a half years), and behind MBC’s Infinite Challenge (10 years), and KBS2’s 1 Night 2 Days (9 years)
Running Man รันนิ่งแมน (2023) ซับไทย EP 665